It's so nice to be able to type this from the comfort of my own room. You see I've been without my own internet access for the last 4 months and so now courtesy of BT I have uber fast broadband, one of the benefits of being 0 miles from the exchange!
I spent this afternoon working with my S1 classes on sending emails, demonstrating CC and BCC and making it as clear as I could that any misuse of the highland wide email system would not be in their best interest.
I'm also spending tonight shopping for the department on ebay. Digital cameras are the only item on the list for now, I'm attempting to pick up 5 for a cheap as possible (and while typing this out missed the ending of one of the cameras...doh!).
These may not seem linked together however in order for the pupils to use many of the resources on the internet such as
comicbrush or to create their own
S4 are out on work experience this week which affords some extra time to sort out the department. Since starting I've updated as many computers as possible from OS9.2 to OSX and with the help of
Jim Henderson we're now up to 10 OSX computers and there's an 11th waiting to have it installed.
This setup has proved ok for most of the classes, however the largest classes I have are my S2 and an S4 class for 1 period a week can prove to be tricky but I've been able to use the band manager course to have the pupils working in groups