Sunday, May 21, 2006

3 Days left!

Well thats the last of the tutor visits complete and the school report is already in so all thats left is to get assignment 3 completed.

In the hope that he reads this David when was it you quoted the phrase "Stunningly useful" originally? I've heard it many times through the year and would like to use it for this assignment and just want to make sure i get my reference right for the essay.

i've been looking at the internet with my S2 classes this time round, specifically Malicious software which I've quite enjoyed.

S3 have been going through a small section of Commercial Data Processing so that I could do a research project but they are now starting to work through the fan letter project on publisher.

It's time to start the last week of placements and it doesn't seem that long ago we were getting ready to start placement 1! i'm gonna be sad to leave the school once again but i'm really excited to find out where i'll be going next year.

To anyone that is still to have their visit, what you doing reading this? (Only kidding) good luck.

The end is in sight!


David said...

"Stunningly useful" does sound like me but as to wehn I said it and in what context... your guess is as good as mine. :-)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps "stunningly useful" was originally used in conjuction with "the only website you'll ever need" ( need I say more :)

Duncan__ said...

A web search for "stunningly useful" generates a stunningly large number of hits!
(I'm glad to see you got rid of your unwelcome visitor from last time!)